Sunday, July 19, 2020

"Celebrate Youth!"

This month I am including the link to a music video.  If I was a video producer (and had the right permissions, of course) I would find it interesting to overlap this song from the 80’s with images of the youth of today.

March for our Lives was done by high schoolers.  Climate activist Greta Thornburg is not yet 18. The camps at Standing Rock were heavily youth organized.  The Black Lives Matter movement has a high element of young people. 

This is what we should be celebrating: youth caring enough about the world around them to get involved. We should be encouraging that engagement –even enabling.  Not accusing them of just trying to get out of school for a day.  Or online lessons as the current state of affairs may dictate.  (Dang virus)

Full disclosure, of course: I am not a parent and feel I would not make a very good one…but isn’t what we work our collective butts off for?  So our kids can have it easier than we did?

So, “Celebrate Youth!”

And “Teach them right.”

(for lyrics to song, go here: