Sunday, October 31, 2021


On this day – the ancient Celtic New Year – I always take some time to think about those that came before me.  My grandparents, great grandparents and all the way back.

This time was considered the border between seasons.  Between one year and the next.  Between one world and the next where the spirits of our ancestors could cross over if they so desired for a short period of time.

Or, alternatively, it can be seen as a time to put on zany costumes, cut loose and get lots of candy.

Whichever way you do it, enjoy.

I’ll lead you out with my traditional sharing of Lorenna McKennitt’s “All Souls Night” found at the link below.

Sunday, October 3, 2021

Where I'm at


I try to be a “glass half full” type of person…I do….But I’ll be honest:  The past several years – the past year and a half in particular – have just sucked and I’m feeling the need to vent.  So if you want something positive and uplifting, you might consider skipping this one.

I’m tired of listening to the whining.  To paraphrase something I saw elsewhere:  we have kids, some barely into puberty, doing active shooter drills.  Kids.  Learning how to form barricades and hide. Children. Learning to hide from other children.

And what are the parents showing up to the meetings and confronting local officials and lawmakers about?  What has them so upset they are almost soiling themselves?

Yup. That’s right. 


And I am fed up listening to lame excuses as to why things that should have been done long ago have not even been started. 

Smoke from wild fires all the way out on the west coast are affecting the air quality in my city in the Mid-West.  That is how bad things have gotten folks.  And, to paraphrase Greta Thornburg, what are we getting from lawmakers and power company officials like Evergy?

“…blah blah blah…We hope to have this percentage of clean energy by 2035 and {yada yada yada} by 2050….blah and whatever.”

Seriously?  You’ve had decades, not years, Decades, to work on this problem; and that is the best you can come up with?  That is pathetic.  You’re useless.  Go home.

This environmental anxiety our youth are experience is nothing new.  I can remember being in grade school and reading in a text somewhere about acid rain and desertification; and being appalled and completely flabbergasted that “why aren’t we stopping this?”

I can remember back in the day when climate change was being referred to as the Greenhouse Effect.

If none of this makes you feel better, it wasn’t meant to.

If you keep doing what you’ve always done, you will keep getting what you have always gotten.

It is time to grow up and make some serious changes.

And it starts with you.