Monday, June 24, 2024

Setting the Record Straight.

Yes, a little clarification is definitely needed to something I posted some time ago.  There is nothing legally stopping a judge from finalizing a divorce in Missouri if there is a pregnancy.  This is important to know: if you are unsafe: DON'T WAIT.  If you need to get out, contact Hope House for advice and GET OUT.

However, the requirement that Missouri and other states have that a pregnancy must be disclosed while filing for divorce is still problematic to say the least.  I could research, confirm and present all the data and statistics here, but I'm hoping you, wonderful reader (all five of you) will take the issue of domestic abuse seriously enough to engage and research on your own. Suffice it to say here, in this humble blog, that a pregnancy greatly increases the threat to the woman; as well as offering the abuser more avenues to terrify, manipulate and maintain control of the victim.

I'm still digesting this article linked below, and I agree with State Rep. Ashley Aune as she proposes bills to explicitly state that pregnancy statues shall not prevent a divorce or separation from going forward.  I have met her, found her wonderful, and believe she has the best intentions. However, as I begin to ponder this further, I think I may agree with the writer more at least at this point: "Missouri legislators should amend our divorce statute to eliminate required disclosure of pregnancy status." 

But then again, it could be rightfully argued that will not go far enough or offer good enough protections.  I think I better think it out again.. . My opinion can change in a heartbeat as more information comes in.